groene aventurijn werking en betekenis
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Green Aventurine meaning and properties

Green aventurine promotes creativity and balances female and male energy. It is the stone of prosperity and good fortune and helps in decision making. The stone brings compassion and empathy and promotes self-love. Green Aventurine brings peace and tempers negative feelings. This allows you to see everything in perspective and this brings balance.

Green aventurine is the stone of opportunity. The stone symbolizes luck, opportunity and prosperity.

green aventurine tumblestones
Green Aventurine tumblestones

Aventurine characteristics


Aventurine is a type of quartz. The stone is usually green in color but can also be orange, brown, yellow, blue or gray. Aventurine contains tiny mineral inclusions that make the stone sparkle beautifully in the sunlight. Green aventurine gets its color from inclusions of fuchsite, red aventurine from hematite and blue aventurine from inclusions of copper silicates.


Aventurine is mainly mined in Brazil, India, Zimbabwe and Russia.

Physical properties*

Aventurine, like rose quartz and amethyst, is a type of quartz.

  • Composition: SiO2 + Fuchsite, hematite or lepidocrocite
  • Hardness: 7 – on Mohs scale from 1 (soft) to 10 (hard)
  • Density: 2.64 – 2.69
  • Transparency: translucent to opaque with a granular structure


The name aventurine comes from the Italian word per avventura, which means “by accident” or “by chance.” The stone was named after shimmering green glass discovered by Italian glassmakers around 1700. Aventurine looked similar and was therefore named after this green glass.

In Ancient China, the stone was very popular. The Chinese considered green gemstones to be very powerful amulets. They were incorporated into various objects such as figurines and jewelry and provided good physical and mental health. Aventurine is also said to increase potency. The imperial seal was made of aventurine.

Aventurine was also popular in ancient Greece. The Ancient Greeks believed that the stone would bring its wearer courage, optimism and honor. Today, aventurine is especially popular as a healing stone.


Green Aventurine belongs mainly to the constellations libra, taurus, gemeni and virgo.


Green Aventurine belongs to the 4th chakra, the heart chakra.

Power bracelet with Green Aventurine

Symbol of luck, opportunity and prosperity.

The perfect talisman to carry close to you!

Green Aventurine meaning and properties

What does green aventurine do for you?


Green aventurine is sometimes used during meditation and helps to ground. This makes you more present in the here and now and this strengthens the heart chakra. The stone absorbs electromagnetic radiation (such as from cell phones and computers) and protects against the influences of environmental pollution and water veins.

Mentally and emotionally

Green aventurine promotes creativity and leadership and balances feminine and masculine energy. It is the stone of prosperity and good fortune and helps in decision making. The stone brings compassion and empathy and promotes self-love. The stone brings peace and tempers negative feelings. This allows you to see everything in perspective and this brings balance. Aventurine is also a good luck stone and brings its wearer prosperity and abundance.


On the physical level, aventurine strengthens the heart and circulatory system. The stone supports cell renewal and can therefore be used in wound healing. People with cold hands and feet may benefit from aventurine. Aventurine also has a calming effect and can help you fall asleep more easily. Finally, the stone has a positive influence on bones, teeth, skin and hair. The stone is also used for stress-related complaints.

The stone is also often given as a birth gift. Green aventurine has a calming effect and calms restless and easily overstimulated babies. The stone attracts good luck and prosperity and protects the little baby from negative influences. In addition, green aventurine can promote growth in young children and babies. Place this stone under the mattress of the crib. Want to read more about gemstones for babies?

Taking care of Aventurine

Aventurine is a fairly strong stone, the stone tolerates water and sunlight, but if dropped, the stone can shatter. It is best to polish aventurine with a gemstone cloth or microfiber cloth. In case of deep contamination, you can clean the stone under running water. If necessary, use a soft toothbrush to clean grooves.

Aventurine Discharge and Recharge


Quartz species such as aventurine can be energetically cleansed or discharged in a variety of ways:

  1. Moonlight: place the stone on the windowsill at night under a full moon. Always do this behind glass and don’t forget to take your stone out of the sunlight in the morning.
  2. White Sage or Palo Santo : With dried white sage or Palo Santo (Holy Wood) you can clean quartz species by keeping them in the purifying smoke for a while.
  3. Selenite: Selenite rods are ideal for cleaning your crystals. Simply place your crystals against the selenite or put them together overnight in a box or bag.
  4. Hematite: Another way to discharge your stones is to put them in an abalone shell with hematite stones overnight.
  5. Water: you can also clean quartz types with water. To do this, hold the stone under running water for a few minutes.
  6. Earth: place the stone in the earth overnight.


How do you charge aventurine? Energetic charging of aventurine can be done by:

  • Moonlight: place the stone on the windowsill at night under a full moon. Always do this behind glass and don’t forget to take your stone out of the sunlight in the morning.
  • Sunlight: Place your stone in direct sunlight for several hours. Make sure it doesn’t get too hot.
  • In the earth: place your stone in the earth overnight.

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