het geheim van manifesteren

The Secret of Manifesting: Inner Balance and Harmony

Manifesting, the process of consciously attracting desires and goals into your life, begins not only with external actions, but with inner balance. The Secret of Manifesting is a profound journey to self-discovery and self-love, focusing on creating harmony between body and mind. In this article, we dive into the essence of manifesting, focusing on inner balance and the supportive role of gemstones, including the powerful affirmation stone, moonstone.

Inner Balance: The Foundation of Manifestation

The path to manifesting requires more than visualizing your goals. We are often told, “Imagine that you have already achieved THEIR goals! If only it were that simple… Unfortunately, when you are not ready to manifest, you can visualize your dreams so strongly, your efforts will remain without results.

The secret of manifesting is “inner balance. This means cultivating love for yourself, taking care of your body and finding harmony between body and mind. Inner balance is achieved by finding your own authentic self. Self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-love are central to this and the only path to inner balance. When you have found your own authentic self, you are able to make your dreams come true.

When you are in a state of inner balance, you can ask the Universe for anything you need, and you will receive! That’s the secret of manifesting….

Self-love and self-acceptance

Self-love is not just an abstract concept; it is a daily practice of kindness and acceptance toward yourself, regardless of circumstances.

It means not bottling up your emotions, but speaking your truth. In doing so, remember that when you speak your truth, that truth comes straight from your heart. It is then very valuable to witness what that truth does to other persons. Is your truth answered with love? If this does not happen and the other person reacts defensively or distorts your truth or does not acknowledge your feelings, it is a signal that the other person is not good for you. Follow your intuition and surround yourself with people who reciprocate your love with love.

Self-love also means taking care of your body. Taking care of your body includes not only healthy eating and exercise, but also listening to the signals your body is giving you. It’s about creating a close relationship with your physical self, allowing you to better understand what your body needs to function optimally. Giving your body rest in time can prevent burnout. Spending a lot of time in nature helps ground you.

Self-love is strongly related to self-acceptance and self-worth:

Self-love, self-acceptance and self-worth are closely linked and together are important components of a healthy relationship with yourself. Here are some reasons why self-love is strongly correlated with self-acceptance:

  1. Recognition of self-worth: Self-love begins with recognizing your own worth and believing that you are worthy of receiving love and respect, both from others and from yourself. Self-acceptance is essential to developing this inner recognition of self-worth.
  2. Love despite imperfections: Self-love implies cherishing yourself, including your shortcomings and faults. It is the ability to love yourself even when you are not perfect. Self-acceptance is the basis for this love, because it means fully embracing yourself, including all the aspects you consider less than perfect.
  3. Reducing self-criticism: Self-acceptance goes hand in hand with reducing self-criticism. When you fully accept yourself, you are less inclined to judge yourself harshly. This contributes to a more positive self-image and makes room for self-love to flourish.
  4. Inner peace: Self-love includes allowing yourself to experience inner peace, even in times of difficulty. Self-acceptance means being at peace with who you are, which promotes peace and emotional well-being.
  5. Healthy relationships: If you fully accept and love yourself, you are more likely to be able to develop healthy relationships with others. Self-acceptance prevents you from setting unrealistic expectations of yourself, making you more open to love and acceptance from others.
  6. Self-care: Self-love includes taking time for self-care, listening to your own needs and respecting your own boundaries. Self-acceptance is the basis for this self-care, because it means acknowledging what you need and allowing yourself to do so.
  7. Growth potential: Self-love loves not only yourself as you are now, but also the person you can become. Self-acceptance is crucial to embrace growth opportunities and welcome change in yourself without questioning your self-worth.

In short, self-love, self-acceptance reinforce each other and lead to self-worth. It is difficult to love yourself if you are unable to accept yourself as you are. Self-acceptance lays the foundation for healthy self-esteem and opens the door to nurturing love for yourself, with all your unique characteristics and traits.

Affirmation “I am enough!” “I have (=am) everything I need to be happy!

Developing healthy self-esteem is an ongoing process and can be influenced by several factors, including upbringing, experiences and personal accomplishments. Being aware of the importance of self-esteem is a first step toward promoting a positive self-image and long-term well-being.

Balance between body and mind

A harmonious balance between body and mind is at the heart of a healthy and fulfilling life. This balance implies caring not only for your physical well-being but also for your mental health. Various practices, such as meditation, yoga and mindfulness, offer effective means of cultivating this symbiosis of body and mind.


Meditation, as a timeless technique, has proven to be a powerful tool to calm and balance the mind. By focusing on your breathing or cultivating a meditative state of awareness, you can reduce stress and promote inner peace. This inner peace not only positively affects your mental well-being, but also has physical benefits, such as reducing tension in muscles and promoting healthy blood pressure.


Yoga, an ancient practice, combines physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation to improve the balance between body and mind. It promotes flexibility, strength and balance on a physical level while reducing stress and increasing awareness. Regular yoga practice allows you to work not only on your physical health, but also on a deeper understanding of your own thoughts and emotions.


Mindfulness, a modern approach to ancient meditative principles, focuses on cultivating awareness in the present moment. It means paying intentional attention to your thoughts and feelings without judgment. This practice can help reduce stressful thoughts, build emotional resilience and improve your overall well-being. Mindfulness helps develop a more conscious relationship with yourself and the world around you, which is essential for a balanced lifestyle.


In addition to these more structured practices, it is also important to emphasize the simple but powerful activity of walking in nature. The soothing environment of nature not only provides a physical outlet but also helps ground the mind. Observing natural elements and feeling the connection to the environment can have a calming effect and refresh the senses.

By calming your mind and cultivating a state of inner balance, you can gain clarity about your deepest desires and goals. It allows you to work with greater focus and determination on what is truly important in your life. Pursuing this balance between mind and body is not only an investment in your well-being in the short term, but also an essential part of a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle in the long term.

If you are in need of a coach to help you restore balance between your body and mind, TAKE YOU TIME.

For more information: contact Lies, Take your Time expert

Gemstones as Guides to Manifesting

Gemstones have had a reputation for centuries for carrying powers and energies that can support us on our spiritual path. When manifesting, certain gemstones can serve as powerful allies, reinforcing our intentions and helping us on the path to making our dreams a reality.

The secret of manifesting - gemstones as guide
The secret of manifesting – gemstones as guide

An example

Moonstone, known as the stone of new beginnings, is a special gemstone closely associated with the process of manifesting. This stone radiates a gentle, calming energy and reminds us that every moment is a new opportunity to grow and transform. The affirmation associated with it, “I am exactly where I am supposed to be,” emphasizes the importance of acceptance and trust in the present moment.

Moonstone acts as a compass on our inner journey. It opens the door to intuition and inner wisdom, enabling us to better understand and express our deepest desires. It is a powerful reminder that our path is unique and that, just as the moon begins new cycles each month, we are constantly capable of renewal and growth.

The Role of Affirmation Stones

Affirmation stones, including moonstone, serve as physical reminders of the positive intentions we want to manifest. The power of affirmations lies in repetition and conviction. When we say the affirmation “I am exactly where I am supposed to be” while holding moonstone, we anchor this intention deeply in our consciousness.

The process of manifesting is based not only on what we want to attract, but also on who we are at the moment of manifestation. Affirmation stones help us internalize these positive beliefs, bringing us into resonance with the energy of what we desire.

Wearing a moonstone as an affirmation stone can be a daily reminder to look at yourself and your journey with love and confidence. This stone invites a deeper connection to the now, while at the same time being open to the magic of what may come.

Conclusion: The Secret of Manifesting

Manifesting begins from within. It is a journey of self-discovery, self-love and cultivating inner balance. Gemstones can serve as powerful guides on this path, while supporting us in reinforcing positive intentions and affirmations.

So, as you nurture your intentions for manifestation, remember to maintain inner balance, cultivate love for yourself and embrace the power of affirmations. With yourself as your companion, you are exactly where you should be on your journey to manifesting your deepest desires and dreams.

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