rose quartz meaning
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Rose quartz meaning and healing properties

Rose quartz meaning: Rose quartz is also called the stone of love. The stone opens the heart chakra and helps to give & receive love. This ensures inner peace and harmony and makes you aware of your own vulnerability.

Rose quartz characteristics


The color of rose quartz varies from light translucent pink to dark pink. It is the color of love. Rose quartz often shows some small cracks and looks a bit cloudy.

rose quartz meaning
Rose quartz colors


The stone is found all over the world including Brazil, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, but also in Russia, India and Japan. The most beautiful rose quartz is said to come from Madagascar. It has a very nice transparent pink color * .

Physical characteristics

Rose quartz, like crystal quartz and amethyst, is a type of quartz.

  • Composition: SiO 2 + Al, Fe, Na, Ti + (Ca, Mg, Mn)
  • Hardness: 7 – on Mohs scale from 1 (soft) to 10 (hard)
  • Density: 2.65
  • Transparency: transparent


The name rose quartz needs little clarification. Rose quartz is also called Hyaline quartz, and that name comes from the Greek word ‘hyalos’, which means glass. According to a Greek legend, the stone was created during a quarrel between the gods Adonis and Ares. In an attempt to help Adonis, the goddess Aphrodite pricked herself on a wild rose and a drop of blood fell on a white quartz stone. The stone turned pink and rose quartz was born.

Rose quartz and zodiac sign

Rose quartz belongs to the constellations taurus, capricorn and pisces.

Rose quartz and birth month

Rose quartz belongs to the month of birth October.


Heart chakra (4th ).

Rose quartz meaning and healing properties


Rose quartz is also called the stone of love and is often given as a token of love. In our shop you will find beautiful rose quartz jewelry . The stone helps you to open up , which gives you a better understanding of your own needs and those of others.

Mentally and emotionally

Rose quartz opens the heart chakra and helps to give & receive love . Rose quartz attracts harmonious love relationships as well as friendships. In addition, the stone promotes self-love and self-acceptance . This ensures inner peace and harmony and makes you aware of your own vulnerability. Rose quartz helps to open up emotionally and show empathy for others. The stone has a calming effect on grief and traumatic experiences . The stone also offers support with anxiety and concerns .

Rose quartz is a good stone for mothers and pregnant women . The stone gives mothers great empathy, sharpens sensitivity and stimulates creativity. Rose quartz helps women to not be so hard on themselves and to accept themselves and be patient with their children.


Rose quartz has a positive effect on the heart and circulation . The stone stimulates the sexual imagination and acts as an aphrodisiac. The stone also has a positive influence on fertility and supports the sexual organs . The stone is therefore a good support for women who want to become pregnant.

The stone is also often given as a birth gift because of the loving and soft energy that the stone radiates. It is the perfect stone to surround a baby with love. This way the little baby feels loved and safe. In addition, rose quartz is a fine stone for babies and small children who are often afraid or feel insecure.

Taking care of Rose quartz

What can rose quartz not endure? Rose quartz will become paler and more transparent under the influence of sunlight. So keep rose quartz away from direct sunlight. Rose quartz should not be heated. The stone will not split easily, but it is prone to breakage. It is best to polish rose quartz with a gemstone cloth or microfibre cloth. In case of deep contamination, you can clean the stone under running water. If necessary, use a soft toothbrush to clean grooves.

Discharging and Charging Rose Quartz

rose quartz meaning and healing properties
Discharging and Charging Rose Quartz


Quartz types such as rose quartz can be energetically cleaned or discharged in various ways:

  1. Moonlight: place the stone on the windowsill at night under a full moon. Always do this behind glass and don’t forget to take your stone out of the sunlight in the morning.
  2. White Sage or Palo Santo : With dried white sage or Palo Santo (Holy Wood) you can clean quartz species by keeping them in the purifying smoke for a while.
  3. Selenite: Selenite rods are ideal for cleaning your crystals. Simply place your crystals against the selenite or put them together overnight in a box or bag.
  4. Hematite: Another way to discharge your stones is to put them in an abalone shell with hematite stones overnight.
  5. Water: you can also clean quartz types with water. To do this, hold the stone under running water for a few minutes.
  6. Soil: we do not recommend as this can damage some crystals.


Charging rose quartz? Energetic charging of rose quartz can be done by:

  • Moonlight: place the stone on the windowsill at night under a full moon. Always do this behind glass and don’t forget to take your stone out of the sunlight in the morning.
  • Rhinestone: Place your stone overnight in an abalone shell with crystal quartz stones.
  • We do not recommend the use of sunlight and placing crystals in the soil because this can damage some crystals.

Special and healing properties are attributed to precious stones and crystals. However, they are never a substitute for medication, medical care or action, but can have a supporting function. Therefore, always consult your therapist, doctor or medical specialist in the event of physical, mental or emotional complaints.

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