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Birthstone January

Birthstone January. What is your birthstone if you were born in January? A birthstone is a gemstone or crystal that belongs to your birth month.

The month you were born and the zodiac sign that goes with it determine your birthstone. According to experts, your birthstone has special properties and gives its wearer protection, strength, good health and support.

More than one birthstone is attributed to some months of the year. By wearing your birthstone with you as jewelry (necklace, ring, earrings or bracelet), your birthstone acts as a talisman or amulet.

Birth jewelry has been given as gifts for centuries. People believed that they protect you from evil and keep you free from disease. Even today many people carry a birthstone with them. Birth jewelry is also very trendy.

Birthstone January

The birthstones associated with the month of January are garnet and rhodolite.

Birthstone January – Garnet

Garnet is a gemstone that comes in a variety of colors, but the red variety is most commonly associated with the month of January. It is a symbol of love, passion, devotion and courage. Known for its deep red color, garnet is often used in jewelry to celebrate love.

Garnet has a rich history and was a highly prized gemstone even in ancient times. In the Middle Ages, garnet beads were often used for prayer and meditation. They were also worn as protection from the evil eye and negative influences.

What many people may not know is that garnet is sometimes used in industrial applications, including sandpaper. Finely ground garnet crystals are used as abrasives in sandpaper and abrasives because of their hardness and abrasive properties. This application highlights the versatility of garnet, which is both a beautiful gemstone and a useful industrial material.

  • Garnet has a deep red color
  • Garnet belongs to the zodiac signs Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius
  • Garnet is a durable stone with a hardness of about 6.5-7.5 on the Mohs scale.
  • Garnet has a strong healing and comforting effect. Garnet dissolves blockages and inhibitions and strengthens willpower. The stone gives hope, courage, optimism and meaning in life. Garnet is also the stone of travelers and protects you along the way.
  • Did you know this? The name garnet refers to the seed of the pomegranate.
Birthstone ring January garnet - gold tone

Garnet is often used to balance and activate the root chakra, which can help with grounding and stability. In crystal healing, garnet is sometimes used to amplify and ground energy.

Birthstone January – Rhodolite

Rhodolite is a specific variety of garnet and has a deep red to purplish color. The stone, like garnet, is associated with love and passion, and is often worn as jewelry or as a symbol of devotion.

Rhodolite is worn as a symbol of love and devotion. Like garnet, rhodolite is used in crystal healing for amplifying energy and grounding the wearer.

The stone has a beautiful reddish-purple color and is very popular in jewelry.

Birthstone January

Shop birthstone January

Birthstone Jewelry

In our shop you will find the nicest gifts for every occasion and budget!

At Crystals by Lina, we only work with Natural Gemstones. We have original gifts for pregnancy, gifts for mom, gems for baby, gems for friendship, gems for protection, gems for children, gems for your zodiac sign, gems for love, gems for grief and mourning, gems for students and gems against stress. We also have the most beautiful gemstone gifts with chakra stones and gemstones for mindfulness meditation.

In our shop you will also find beaded bracelets with gemstones such as rose quartz, blue chalcedony, lava stone, tiger’s eye and amethyst and wonderfully fragrant gemstone scented candles.

We also have a beautiful collection of silver jewelry with gemstones – 100% sterling silver. Our gold plated and gold vermeil jewelry has a core of 100% silver 925. Our motto: “You’re real, so is your jewelry!

How about a beautiful pair of gemstone earrings or ear studs, a beautiful silver gemstone bracelet with sparkling gemstones or a silver gemstone ring. Our collection of gemstone necklaces and pendants features popular gemstones such as moonstone, amethyst and rose quartz. Also check out our beautiful collection of birthstone jewelry.